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The full York U Spiderman story in PDF format available for any donation of your choice.

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Stream The Audiobook

The audiobook is a totally free add-on which you can stream here on the site.

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Listen To The Soundtrack

Available to stream for free on any platform! And to download on your desktop for a fixed $1 donation per track.

What Is This??

Hi. My name is Youssef Bassit and I spent a year as Spiderman. Oh... you're still here? Well I know how it sounds but trust me it makes so much more sense when you read the book.

My journey in the tights started with a less than stellar week in October of 2018. Among other things, my little sister Celine passed away from a degenerative muscle condition and I wasn't around to say goodbye.

That week and the lessons I'd learn from it are the heart of the story I've written down here. For reasons I highlight in my book, I had to give up my mask. But it was made clear to me that there are still ways I could use it to help people.

So here's the deal. My book is a 20 page PDF you can basically download for free. But you have the option to donate when you're downloading and every single cent you give, goes directly to SickKids Children's Hospital.

I coordinated with a representative of theirs who read my book and approved it as a method of gathering donations.

In addition, I've also made an audio-book and a soundtrack telling the story musically. All of which are free but you can still donate at any time.

Thanks for reading this far. I really hope my story inspires you to do good. All the best.

average rating is 4.5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love this read

"Very inspiring story. Highly recommend everyone to read it :)"

"This is a story told with humour and heart. It reminds us that good, caring people still exist"

"Amazing, I loved it"

"It's a great book with very heartwarming stories that make you want to do good❤️❤️"

"It was motivational. Everything will be alright as long as you keep trying and pushing is the lesson from it"

"Very emotional without being corny. The lessons are there but not over explained nor too simplified to hold their weight"

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